the sky’s the limit, and my head is in the clouds

jace, 31, he/they/tired

There is very little of interest to say about me, but I'm a late-blooming pre-med student and professional lab rat who draws and writes sometimes. I'm also a sun in Lan Wangji, moon in Chu Wanning, and Spock rising.

a few key points:

  • I'm not interested in judging people's ships, kinks, or the fiction they enjoy.

  • I ask that minors please not interact with or follow me. I am too old and tired to go through checking and blocking anyone under 18, but for your sake and mine, please don't.

  • FUB free. Not that you need my permission, but please feel free to block, unfollow, or do whatever you please to curate your online experience.

  • Regarding trigger warnings: I try to tag for blood, medical things, and other sensitive topics as they come up. Let me know if you need something tagged.

  • As for myself, tagging for emetophobia and anything to do with harming cats would be appreciated.